Sunday, November 24, 2013

Noticing {Day 21 and 22}

Maisy has been a good little egg layer, giving us one every day but one so far. I don't see this getting old any time soon.

My mom found the cutest mini hutch for the girls' kitchen at their house:

Austen kept herself busy for a big 'ole chunk of time when we stopped by during K's solo school day. 

Don't know why this seemed special. They had lunch up at the tall counter. Maybe it was because they actually scarfed down their food (not always big eaters around here). 

A's face cracks me up:

Matthew and Katie came over for an always fun play date:

We missed Katie's 3rd birthday party, and Amy brought over some of the party games and prizes. She throws the most awesome parties! Such amazing details and love go into each one. 

Katie and Austen and me and Amy:

Shadow puppets:

1 comment:

Powtera said...

awwww - thanks :) <3 it was lots of fun!!