Monday, November 18, 2013

Noticing {Days 15, 16, 17}

Both girls have had Croup in the past week. Kaitlyn is better, and Austen is on the upswing. There has never been a better week to notice the small, enjoyable moments. I needed those desperately between the bring-out-the-worst sick sleepies and not feeling wells. We went up and down all week and Jeff and I were handed some challenging attitudes, but I managed to stay (mostly) calm throughout. Only one meltdown on my part, and it was brief. ;)


Jeff and I got to have a date night on Friday while the girls had a sleepover at Grammie and Papa's. My dad come to pick us up, in the mini van, to drop us off at Bingo. You read all of that right.

(The girls have been really into chewing gum. Austen has a three minute time limit - this is about how long she can make it without swallowing it - and Kaitlyn about 10 minutes. They are showing me their gum here.)

 BINGO! I didn't get any Bingos (beginner's luck my bum), but I did think I got one. Called out Bingo, very enthusiastically, during Speed Bingo. The regulars may not be inviting me back.


Austen woke up a couple of hours after going to bed the other night, and I didn't like how she was breathing (croup). I brought her down to the couch with me for a while. She wasn't feeling well but was fine, and I got some quality snuggling.

Jeff got this one of both of us passed out on the couch, which was actually earlier - around 6:00.

The next day, Kaitlyn wanted a picture of us sleeping. So we pretended while photographer Austy snapped a pic:


Yesterday, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's to make Lefse and watch the Seahawks. I was introduced to Lefse when I first started dating Jeff, as it has been a tradition of Bonnie's for a long time. It was fun to join in this year and learn the ropes!


Julie said...

Miss the little daily things on IG! We had a case of the croup last week too. :( one trip to urgent care and two to the ER in one night!

Also, best gum advice I've gotten? Let them pick a pack and for a day or so they can have as many pieces as they want as long as they bring the previous piece back to you. Once it's gone, they're done for the day!

Maggie said...

Croup here too, Lisa! Just miserable! Hope the girls are doing better. Love all these blog posts!

Lisa said...

Oh man! :( I have heard of so many croup cases in the past month or so. Hope yours are feeling better--we are on the upswing. Scary!
Love the gum idea!! Will definitely be stealing that!! Thanks :)

Lisa said...

Geez! I hope yours are feeling better, too! I swear I've never heard of so many cases at once...
They are both doing better, thank you! :)