Only took a few pictures yesterday, but did some reflecting (a daily occurrence over here). I am happy with myself for sitting down a few weeks ago and doing that same reflecting ^^ about what I could make better. I have successfully turned my rut around and am enjoying, noticing the small things that get me through the challenges moments, and am (more) relaxed. Life is good.
We skipped school this week because Kaitlyn was sick (Austen went on Wednesday). It seemed to be a pretty mild virus, so in between a few movies there was a lot of play, and maybe a trip to Target.
The girls' imaginative play continues to be one of my most joyful things. Sometimes I sit and watch, and more often I let it happen around me while I do housework. What better background noise than that??
K tied two of their chairs together with a scarf, and Austen boarded the "monkey carriage" with her ponies and was off to Disneyland.
I am so, so lucky to be home most of the time with these two. I know how lucky I am and feel that more and more as they get older. I am so grateful to Jeff for working his butt off while I take time off. He never complains; never makes me feel guilty that he is working overtime while I'm home spending this precious time with our kids. His work is so stressful and exhausting right now, and he still comes through the door, arms open wide, huge smile on his face and an excited greeting for his girls. He was born to be a daddy, and he is most definitely my rock.
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