I can't get enough of this picture. The girls wanted to go outside today (it was a perfectly beautiful day) and I brought my camera for some fun. It's no professional picture, but I just can't quit looking at it. My girls.
I know for a fact that I'm missing out on some amazing experiences of having a boy (or boy-girl combo), but man, I love, love, LOVE having two girls. Isn't that just perfect though? We end up loving what we end up with, and have a hard time picturing it any other way.
A couple of Kaitlyn originals. This girl blows my mind (she's mine, you know, so duh):
Lately, when I pick up Austen, she clings to me with her arms and legs. I've started calling her my baby koala bear. This morning, she was full of cuteness (a somewhat rare thing in the morning for this one, who wears her emotions on her sleeve) and came down the stairs saying, "Good morning, mama koala bear!"
Then she brought me a book to read, plopped in my lap, tipped back the sippy and twirled her hair:
Grammie and Papa won the prize during art this week. We all need to be chopped liver sometimes. This was Kaitlyn's artwork this week:
(Honestly, though? I love that she said this. I love that the girls have grandparents - 5 - who love and cherish them and would do anything for them.)
We had to go to....Walmart today. I had to go late last night, too. It was a nightmare and a good reminder of why I do not go there. Not because of those mean pictures you see online, but because of customer service. Awful.
I was seeing about a screamin' Black Friday deal, and it worked out and I can wait another decade before going back...
The girls caught sight of this dollhouse and didn't leave it for a good 10 minutes:
These chickens crack me up. I go outside, and they come running. Have you seen a chicken run? Have I mentioned this? So funny.
Anyway, they flock around my feet and stay there until I go inside.
Austen's (huge) painted apple from school. She is so proud of it. It hung on our pantry for a month, and it's time to switch it out. A picture lasts longer:
This.kid. I ask her to hold still to get a picture, and she starts dancing. She is full of it. And dresses herself.
I've been giving the girls a jellybean here and there when I "catch" good behavior.
K got one and Austen didn't. "Do I get a jellybean?"
"Nope. You hit Kk."
"But I only hit her two times."
"You need to not hit at all."
"I didn't kick her?"
A for effort, kiddo.
Kaitlyn calls Riley "Dude." When we walk in the house - "Hey dude. Whatcha doin', dude?"
She also does a great valley girl and a scary good British accent (?)
This morning, Austen asked where Riley's tail was.
"It's under him. Where's your tail Aust?"
"I don't have one. I had a tail when I was a kitty cat."
(Btw -- still figuring out Riley. He bit Kaitlyn a couple of weeks ago and we were so sure of what to do at the time but now are not. Trust that we aren't neglecting the issue.)
Jeff gets the next four days off. He doesn't get all holidays off because of his Christmas week break, so we are so excited to have him home with us. I'm sure he's not disappointed, either.
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