Friday, November 29, 2013

Noticing {Day 28 and 29}

Drawing in Cheerio dust:

Thanksgiving run through LFP. We live in a beautiful place:

Grandma Gertrude peeling potatoes. She has deemed this her job on Thanksgiving. I love it:

Thanksgiving was wonderful. Spent at my parents' with our family of four and Grandma. Chevy Chase on in the background during prep and appetizers, and a delicious turkey feast by my mama followed by pumpkin pie and maybe a few peanut m and m's.


Today: The zoo. The perfect day for it: Cold and a little sprinkley -- no crowds whatsoever.

 Austen wanted the reindeer hat (not made my me -- found by my mom at a small shop when K was little. However, I'm going to need to find a pattern because this one is being stretched to its limit):

 She kept us in line and showed us where to go:

A video of some of her instructions. (<<<click on that link) Wish I woulda caught more.

These baby tortoises were the CUTEST.EVER. I could have watched them all day. For perspective, they were smaller than an iPhone:

And a video link for your viewing pleasure. I may watch it a million times myself. We're going back soon.

Crazy slide. I don't know how nobody has broken a leg on this thing:

My attempts at posed pictures have not been going well as of late. This is why I prefer candids.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Noticing {Day 26 and 27}

How lucky am I?

I can't get enough of this picture. The girls wanted to go outside today (it was a perfectly beautiful day) and I brought my camera for some fun. It's no professional picture, but I just can't quit looking at it. My girls.

I know for a fact that I'm missing out on some amazing experiences of having a boy (or boy-girl combo), but man, I love, love, LOVE having two girls. Isn't that just perfect though? We end up loving what we end up with, and have a hard time picturing it any other way.

 A couple of Kaitlyn originals. This girl blows my mind (she's mine, you know, so duh):

Lately, when I pick up Austen, she clings to me with her arms and legs. I've started calling her my baby koala bear. This morning, she was full of cuteness (a somewhat rare thing in the morning for this one, who wears her emotions on her sleeve) and came down the stairs saying, "Good morning, mama koala bear!"

Then she brought me a book to read, plopped in my lap, tipped back the sippy and twirled her hair:

 Then it turned into more of a typical Austen morning. She needs time, people. I believe she was grumpy because she was too hot...or too cold...or too hungry or full...

 Grammie and Papa won the prize during art this week. We all need to be chopped liver sometimes. This was Kaitlyn's artwork this week:
(Honestly, though? I love that she said this. I love that the girls have grandparents - 5 - who love and cherish them and would do anything for them.)

We had to go to....Walmart today. I had to go late last night, too. It was a nightmare and a good reminder of why I do not go there. Not because of those mean pictures you see online, but because of customer service. Awful.

I was seeing about a screamin' Black Friday deal, and it worked out and I can wait another decade before going back...
The girls caught sight of this dollhouse and didn't leave it for a good 10 minutes:

These chickens crack me up. I go outside, and they come running. Have you seen a chicken run? Have I mentioned this? So funny.
Anyway, they flock around my feet and stay there until I go inside.

 Beautiful, beautiful day. I love warm summer days, but clear, cold days hold their own specialty. More quiet; peaceful.

Austen's (huge) painted apple from school. She is so proud of it. It hung on our pantry for a month, and it's time to switch it out. A picture lasts longer:

This.kid. I ask her to hold still to get a picture, and she starts dancing. She is full of it. And dresses herself.


I've been giving the girls a jellybean here and there when I "catch" good behavior.

K got one and Austen didn't. "Do I get a jellybean?"
"Nope. You hit Kk."
"But I only hit her two times."
"You need to not hit at all."
"I didn't kick her?"

A for effort, kiddo.


Kaitlyn calls Riley "Dude." When we walk in the house - "Hey dude. Whatcha doin', dude?"

She also does a great valley girl and a scary good British accent (?)


This morning, Austen asked where Riley's tail was. 

"It's under him. Where's your tail Aust?"

"I don't have one. I had a tail when I was a kitty cat." 

(Btw -- still figuring out Riley. He bit Kaitlyn a couple of weeks ago and we were so sure of what to do at the time but now are not. Trust that we aren't neglecting the issue.)


Jeff gets the next four days off. He doesn't get all holidays off because of his Christmas week break, so we are so excited to have him home with us. I'm sure he's not disappointed, either. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Noticing {Day 25}

Some Quotables -- Things they say that I don't want to forget:

When we are going to do something (go upstairs to get dressed, go outside, etc.), Austen often says, "Mama, let's do it!" or "Let's do this, Mama!"

Austen passed me on the stairs, breathing hard, carrying things from the play kitchen. "I need to go feed my animals. I'm sorry, I can't meet with you right now."

When Austen wants to say "I'm not," she often says "I amn't."

If you tell her something, she may respond with "Got it" or "of course."

Kaitlyn was talking to me while I was getting ready in the morning, and A came downstairs. K pokes her head out of the bathroom door and says, "Oh hey, Mereina." They are constantly making up names for each other, and they often end in "eina." I've also heard Kaitlyn call Riley Ameina. They are just so matter-of-fact about it. 

Last night, I put lights up in the girls' rooms while they were downstairs. They were SO excited to see them at bedtime. Thank you, Grandma Bonnie, for their first room Christmas lights--they are in love. I used to decorate my room every year, and the lights were my favorite part. Turn them on in the dark, put on some Christmas music, and color me happy. 

Austen wanted to take my picture:

Apparently, when my parents brought them home this evening, Austen rushed upstairs, put on jammies and turned her lights on. "I'm going to bed. Good night!"

(We unplug them when they fall asleep, and Aust came stumbling in our room at 4:30 this morning, "My candy lights are off." I put her sleep walking self back to bed and got another 30 minutes.)

Nutcracker Pandora station = my heaven. It just warms my heart. It also makes me sad...I don't know if my Grandpa Ed actually played the Nutcracker on their old stereo or not, but my memory thinks he did. They definitely played "traditional" Christmas music, which I think is at the root of my love for it. 

As I get older, the holidays become more and more bittersweet. New, sweet moments in the present, but an ache for those who aren't with us anymore; cozy traditions that are no longer possible.

Even watching the Grinch - Mama's forever favorite - with the girls brings with it a longing for Grandma and Grandpa's condo, with the lights on the Lanai and the mini Christmas tree with the spinny ornaments. 

Ahhh...I love the holidays, I do. They just hold a more vast meaning in my "old age." I've been learning to embrace it--to sit in the dark in front of the tree, taking in the music and simultaneously feeling overjoyed and excited for my own girls while holding a lump in my throat for holidays passed.

Will my overly sentimental ways ever cease??


In other news, we now have TWO egg layers! I'm pretty sure it's Wendy (white) who decided to join the party today. 

Jeff texted me to let me know we had two eggs, and I called him immediately. Instead of saying hello:

"You just can't contain yourself, can you."  Nope!! Yipppeeee!

The girls were playing hide and seek with Daddy and Austen comes scrambling down the stairs to find a hiding spot. I can't give a description to do it justice, so just trust me that it was so flippin' cute/hilarious. She couldn't decide where to hide as they were getting closer to 20. After changing her mind on the closet, she dove under the table just in time:

No, she doesn't use a binky. This was left at our house over a year and ago and she'll pop it on every once in a while:

Kaitlyn read us two entire Bob books at bedtime Proud parents! I don't care what she's "supposed" to be doing, yadda yadda--we are just so proud of her for figuring it out! 

And she was proud, too. Not a whole lot that's better than that.

Then Austen picked the Grinch. That's my girl. 

I'm pretty sure the idea of these things was that they would be shorter. Short-winded I am not. No going back and editing...I'm sure this whole thing is a mess--good night!