Saturday, March 2, 2013


We had filled out the paper work for Kaitlyn to start a new preschool back in November. Life happened, and that was put on hold. Come January, we felt that she could be ready, and that it would be a good thing for her to conquer. We honestly didn't know how it would go, given her increased separation anxiety, but that was improving so we decided to go for it.

The night before her first day, I asked her what she'd like to wear (something we've learned #3,523: Having our children pick out clothes the night before saves  -- or has the potential to save -- stress and frustration the next morning).
This is what she did, and I love her for it:

On our way

Much to my shock and awe, she did not cry when I left! She was a bit anxious, and asked me not to leave, but no tears. The teachers there are wonderful, and one gently peeled K away and distracted her. I got word that there were no tears during the three hours she was there. After the anticipation of that day, and my own anxiety about it, I shed a few tears of happiness, and a few for letting go. This having your kids grow up thing is exciting and heart breaking.

Kaitlyn goes to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for three hours in the mornings. Teacher Erin is her main teacher, and Teacher Willow and Teacher Tessa assist. I love them all. The schedule is perfect, in my opinion, as she gets that experience, it doesn't defeat the purpose of me staying home, and I get one-on-one time with this girl, who was NOT happy that she didn't get to stay that first day. She was, as has become the norm, convinced that she was also going wherever K was going:

She got over it when she realized that this arrangement could mean Starbucks dates with Mama. It's possible that we've gotten into a bit of a habit of grabbing a small treat, then one for K for when we pick her up. I am really enjoying and cherishing this time with my youngest, who never got that time like her big sister did. I think Austen enjoys it, too.

Celebratory Red Robin lunch after a successful first day

Playing school at home. Aust is a good little student

Kaitlyn was getting over a bad cold on Valentine's Day, so we decided she should stay home. I think I was more affected by it than she was. I felt so bad that she was missing her school party, since she had been SO excited about celebrating Valentine's Day this year. We drove up to drop off her valentines, and her teachers invited her in to make a bag. We headed to the library down the street, then went back to pick up her valentines (yes, I'm that mom...)

An upside down view of our valentine lunch. That's about as fancy as I get!

Documentation of K's valentine's. The product of panicking the day before because, of course, we had procrastinated. Always having glow sticks on hand pays off again!

Ready for some baking

Kaitlyn is quite the little assistant for her little sister these days


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