Saturday, March 30, 2013

Birthday Party Girl

Austen had another great birthday party with all of her friends. She was SO excited to be the birthday girl, and waited at her window for about 45 minutes for her guests to show up. Try explaining to an excited three year old that her party doesn't start for another few hours...

I was pretty sure she was going to wear her swimsuit for the party, but she made a last-minute wardrobe change into a princess dress. That's a sandwich in her hand. She requested to be served lunch at her perch.

By the way, Austen had been saying for months that it will be her birthday "when the snow comes down." We kept smiling and nodding and telling her not to worry, that it would still be her birthday if it didn't snow. She was calmly insistent that no, it will be her birthday when the snow comes down.

This was the scene the morning before her birthday. Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo... (that's the Twilight Zone tune for those who are not sitting next to me):

And, just as a side note, the pictures below are my drive in to work and my drive home. Quite a difference!

{I digress...}

My princess cake experiment (thank you, Betty Crocker) turned out okay, given the time crunch, but I'd love to try it again when I allow myself more time. She was fun to make, and Austen was thrilled, so -- win.

(Although, I have to admit, not a win for poor Cinderella. Jeff had to do an emergency amputation in the garage since Mama made two round cakes instead of three. Sorry, princess!)


Jeff owned the gift list. Grabbed the pen and pad without the wife reminder. Winner!

The extra cake (thank you, Pinterest) that wasn't needed. So, it became the willpower test for the next few days at the Collins house. {Cake - 1, Team Collins - 0 -- if anyone cares to know, but that shouldn't be a surprise)


The night of or day after a birthday party is always my favorite. It's like the day after Christmas. The hoopla is fun, but there's something about exploring the new loot in peace and quiet that always gets me:

She looks so BIG!!

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