Pictures found in folders from the last few months that never made it here. Well, some may have, but I'm too lazy to go back and check...
Taking over Menchies with the Hembree girls (and spoiling dinner):
A day at Whidbey with the Underwoods:
We took over the ferry on the way home (I'm sensing a developing pattern here...) This scene made me smile -- late trip back from a friend's cabin, girls in their jammies, running around the ferry. These are the types of memories I love from when I was their age.
I'm guessing this picture is already here somewhere, but just in case. This was from the Gowey Christmas gathering at John and Clarissa's. Christmas is one of the only gatherings we still have as an extended family, so it's always something I look forward to. There are people missing...we have gotten huge! (Part of the reason we don't do many group things anymore -- it's hard to fit everyone.)
K trying on my running stuff. |
Mama and Daddy got a night out with friends for my birthday. Good times!! |
My cousin (and dear childhood friend), Katryn, is getting married in April of 2014. The girls and I are honored to be a part of the wedding! She lives in Austin, and these arrived in the mail for us. |
My birthday card from my parents. Love them. :)
Kaitlyn has started to read!! She can sound out short's amazing! (For her parents ;)) It is so crazy to me that our kid is starting to be able to read. I still have days when I can't believe I'm actually a parent.
"Elemeno" is one letter... |
Our beta, Fredward, finally bit the dust (he lasted five years or so, I believe). Welcome, Alice! |
The girls love to play on the computers at the library. I dread it, as it's not always easy (okay, never) to leave after they've started. We are working on it. |
Kaitlyn has become very fond of the "wildlife" in our yard. Worms, lady bugs, rolly-pollies, ants... Austen isn't so sure.
About a month ago, we met Great Uncle Alan at the zoo. We ended up
buying a new pass and have been back a couple of more times since. It's
so nice to have passes to places like this -- no pressure to stay for a
long time. However, each time we've been we've last at least a few
hours. (A few randoms snuck in between zoo pics):
Comforting Riley when the deadly smoke detector was asking for more batteries. |
Gettin' out in the elements. |
Papa got roped into playing princesses. Wish I would've gotten some video ;) |
More example of my children's outfit picks. |
This is me pushing the double stroller with both kids up my parents' driveway. If you've ever seen their driveway, you know that this is no easy task. I was barely moving... |
K loves drawing princesses. (For the record, those are arms...) |
Unders and slippers. |
Austen and I have been going on runs while K is at school. She makes a silly running partner (and a lighter one, compared to two in a double). |
If either of the girls is having a rough night (which we haven't had in a while -- knock on wood!), I will make a bed on the floor next to them. Austen woke up a bit early one morning, crying. K went in before I did, and this is what I found... |
Playdate at Matthew and Katie's:
Hot Chocolate 5k with Cammie |
When they aren't bickering, the girls continue to play so well together. They are truly best friends and are connected at the hip (hence the bickering moments). Kaitlyn told Austen she had wrapped a present for her and she had to close her eyes. Her reaction to "unwrapping her gift" is on the right. Silly girls.
Playing the piano at Grandma's. |
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