Monday, January 7, 2013

Fall Photo Shoot

Lately, I have been trying to reduce the amount of pictures I take of the girls. Yep, reduce. I had gotten into the habit of taking our "big" camera everywhere we went, because I didn't want to miss a single moment.

As I'm sure it's not hard to guess, I realized that I was, in fact, missing the real moments because I was always behind the camera. Yes, those pictures will be treasures to look back on, but not if I don't remember actually being in the moment. I'd rather have the memories, and I know my girls would, too.

I'm trying to achieve a balance. I still take too many pictures with my phone...I'm working on that in more ways than one. And, I still have that "I gotta get this on camera!" twitch more often than not. For now, I'm not taking the big camera as much, and weaning myself from the habit by relying on phone pictures for a lot of outings. ;)

That being said, the girls and I went for a walk back in November, before the fall leaves disappeared, and I allowed myself to bring the camera and call it a "photo shoot." In my world, that doesn't mean that professional pics are being taken; it simply means that I'm allowed to spend a big chunk of time behind the lens. Oh, and that I'm allowed to bribe my kids. As often as needed. Shamelessly.

We had fun, and I got some pictures that I'll treasure (I made their hats. Kaitlyn's was my first-ever crochet hat attempt. It's a little big, a little lopsided...but K loves it):



I've obviously got some catching up to do. My intent was to post all pictures and some words from 2012 before the 1st in order to get them into the newest blog book, but life just didn't want to let me do that. Oh, well! I'm hoping to get it all done this week, then officially move into 2013. 


Julie said...

They turned out great - good job Mama! Photogs are posting about Vday minis (I SO wish we could sign up for all of them), so I started planning one of our own today... we'll see how it goes. Last year's was a bit less than successful, but I still got shots that bring a smile to my face to this day so it works!

PerryBlog said...

Cute pics! Who do you use for printing your blog books? I'm going to try blurb again, but last time it couldn't "find" any posts on my blog to "slurp." Very frustrating!

Lisa said...

Thanks, Julie! I have been enjoying watching your pregnancy progress on your blog...good for you for keeping those memories! I wish I had taken more pregnant pictures...
Can't wait to see the Vday pics!!

Lisa said...

Hi, Kim! :)
I have always used Blog2print, and have been happy with it. Mostly because they make is super easy. :) All you have to do is plug in the date range you want, and they do the rest. I always choose the option to have them get as much on one page as possible to cut down cost (they are still expensive!). My only complaint is that this causes the captions and written parts to get separated from the pics they go with. I have come to terms with that by knowing that at least it's all there. :) I love having these books!

PerryBlog said...

I tried Blurb again, and still, no dice. I think I previously looked at blog2print and didn't care for it, due to what you mentioned. But I might just have to accept it, so that at least I have the memories in physical form, rather than just digital. Thanks!