I didn't quite have it in me to get all of the pictures onto that last post. So, behold, a ton more pictures -- some with captions for your reading pleasure:
One of the few Christmas light adventures we did. I'd love to make this more of a priority next year. | | |
"Aunt Kako" and soon-to-be "Uncle Josh" got the girls a princess tent. They were a tad excited; especially when Mama said that they could have a picnic in it. |
We got about an inch and a half of snow about a week before Christmas. It may have started raining by 11:00, but we squeezed in a snowman, snowball fight, and snow angels before then. We Seattlelites know how to capitalize on sun and snow in a short time frame. |
We spent Christmas Eve at Aunt Stacey's place. Grandma Bonnie gave the girls these light-up Rudolph noses. Guess who ate that up? The girls had a good time, and got some fun gifts. Grandma made some special homemade things that I know the girls will treasure. |
Sweet Jacoby. We got to spend the evening with him before he headed off for time with his mama. He's such a sweetheart, and girls love that they have a cousin. :) |
This cracks me up. Both of the girls loved playing Santa this year. Austen takes any job very seriously, and was doing some heavy lifting here. |
Beautiful girl :) |
Santa's cookies (and carrots for the reindeer. Kaitlyn counted very carefully, and wanted to be sure NOT to leave Rudolph out) |
Santa filled the stockings (well, the ones that matter) |
This scene makes it into my top three favorite things about Christmas right now. I have a hard time going to sleep on Christmas Eve, because I know that this will disappear in the morning. The glow of the tree, the perfectly-placed gifts...magic. |
Christmas morning was a blast, and a blur. :) The girls were SO excited. Kaitlyn came into our room a little before 6, and we managed to hold her off for about 40 minutes to give Austen more sleep. She was so patient, then just couldn't wait any longer...and frankly, neither could I!
K asked Santa for a Rudolph doll, and Austen asked for a crib and a new doll with jammies. He delivered. They also got a lot of art supplies, "real" snow gloves, puzzles, and other little goodies. They were happy!
We headed to my parents' for Christmas afternoon/early dinner.
Daddy and KK playing "Shut the Box" |
(Don't know how this one made it down here...) |
Please excuse my father's behind, but I like this of K |
Aust got a dolly Ergo - love it! |
Hands-free present opening ;) |
Tuckered out with her Rudolph doll...
I'm outta control. "Some" phone pics to end this overload:
Head banging to "Twinkle Twinkle" |
One of my many favorites of being a mom -- witnessing the progression/development of drawings. I have LOVED watching K's people evolve. |
This is old. It's the lyrics to The Cowboy Song from the girls' last preschool graduation. It was time to take it down from the fridge, and I didn't want to keep the physical paper :) |
I caught Aust making faces at her reflection in the toilet paper holder. This kid... |
Austen modeling my third crochet hat. This one turned out better, and it's getting faster. I like making hats! |
We went to the McManus' for a solstice party, and Caroline was giving Jeff helpful hints for making Lefse. |
Megs reading with the girls. Love these relationships being passed down... |
My parents inherited this awesome doll house from my Great Aunt Kathy and Uncle Hal. I have treasured memories of standing on a step stool to peer into the different rooms. We weren't allowed to touch this one, but just looking was enough to set imaginations wild.... |
Uncle Rob was in town! The girls could not love him more. |
A well-used gift from Grandma and Grandpa. |
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