Austen will be 15 months this week, and is developing quite the little personality. She is either looking at you like, "I love you and you are my favorite person!" Or like, "What are you lookin' at?"
As I think I mentioned before, Austen cries to be outside, or at least walking around. This girl does not want to be carried, and will attempt a nose-dive out of your arms when you are least expecting it. And when you do put her down, she is off and running, literally. She definitely has had more bumps and bruises than Kaitlyn did by this age.
When you are sitting on the floor, she will come over, stand in front of you with her back turned, and back her little booty up until she can plop down in your lap. So cute. :) She also has a little list of words now, her versions of course: Uh-oh, no, stop, bird, outside, dada, mama, toes, shoes, socks, go, and a few others. Overall, she is a great little sleeper; she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night, but when she is sick she tends to wake up around 4 or 5 and fuss off and on for the rest of the morning. Unfortunately, this has been way too frequent, as the poor thing has now had 4 ear infections in 5 months. When we go for her follow-up for this current one, we may start talking about ear tubes.
Austen loves, loves, loves her dog Riley, and she can often be found hanging out in his bed:
Kaitlyn is just as sparky as ever, definitely going through the toddler phase of "mine" and "give it back!" However, we like to think that her sweet times out number the other times. :-) It's not always easy having a little sister who wants everything you have, and follows your every footstep. Sometimes Kaitlyn loves that, and other times she just needs time to be herself.
Some Kaitlyn quotes: The other day I wore a dress to work, and when Kaitlyn saw me in the morning she said, "Ohh Mama, you're a princess!"
Jeff: "Are you going to go on the potty like Paige?" Kaitlyn: "No, I go on the potty like Kaitlyn." (No, not potty trained yet.)
Goes up to Jeff on the couch, snuggles and says, "Daddy, you are my best friend."
Jeff: "Kaitlyn, do you want to take a bath?" "No, I want to do something fun, please."
And of course I can't think of any more right now...I need to start documenting them when they happen!
A while ago, Kaitlyn's hair started going into a pony tail more easily - she looks so old!
And now, a picture update:
We went to the Underwood's cabin for a night over Memorial Day weekend and had a blast:
Kaitlyn's first s'more!
The girls got a prime sleeping spot in front of the warm fire:
My parents invited us to dinner a couple of weeks ago in Edmonds, and there happened to be a waterfront festival going on. Kaitlyn absolutely loved the big potato sack slide and pony rides! She convinced Papa to send her on one more pony ride after the first one. ;-)
The top of the slide with Daddy:
On the way down with Papa:
And at the bottom with Mama (she got to go three times!):
Watching Daddy mow the lawn:
Playing in the water on one of our few nice days:
Bryan and Lindsay's sweet little guy, Jackson. He'll be one in July! They make a cute couple, don't they? ;-)
Woodland Park Zoo! So many neat, exotic animals to see, and all Kaitlyn kept requesting was the cows...
This happens to be a great example of the "What are you lookin' at?" Austen face:
On the move, as usual!
Kaitlyn started her "Lil' Kickers" soccer class, and absolutely loves it. She was sooo excited to "play soccer like Mommy." I gave her a juice box afterwards, which she doesn't usually get, and now she keeps asking for "soccer juice." :-) She got her own soccer jersey, and was so exicted to show it to Daddy when she got home.
So, Mommy gets to do soccer with Kaitlyn and Little Gym with Austen once a week. My last day of school is Wednesday the 22nd, and I'm looking forward to being a stay at home mom for two months. :) As excited as I am for the break, I always get sad at this time of year, too. As a teacher, you get to know your kids so well by June, that it's hard thinking of letting them go and getting a whole new group.
So there is the longest update ever...enjoy!
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