Height: 31 in. (67%)
Weight: 23 lbs. 15oz. (68%)
When I told the pediatrician that I was surprised she wasn't in larger percentiles, she reminded me that Kaitlyn is a peanut, which makes Austen look like a giant. :) Kaitlyn is still only 26.5 pounds soaking wet, which puts her in the 10th-25th percentile. I have a feeling that Austen will be the "big little sister." ;-)
Here's our Austen-Girl:
Both of the girls love Riley, and he's getting more tolerant (or maybe just finally giving up?) of them borderline tormenting him.
Kaitlyn is becoming a "little girl" before our eyes. She seems more grown up every day with what she says and does. The littlest things like eating her very own banana in the peel (I know, I'm weird), make her seem so old:
It also continues to amaze me how different our daughers are from each other. Not only their appearance, but personality as well. Sure, they have similarities, but I love that they are their own little people, too.
For example, in Kaitlyn's soccer class, she clings to me for the first 10 minutes and doesn't really respond to the "coach" at all. After that first little bit, though, she's off and running and often the first to do things. After that, she checks in every so often. Austen, on the other hand, goes barging into her Little Gym class like she owns the place. Laughing, running, being the first to do things, etc. It's so cute! She does not check in with you, but rather runs away because she thinks it's hilarious. :) She is our wild child, and I think my mom put it best when she pointed out that Austen wears her emotions on her sleeve. So true!
And, because I am so weird, I took a picture of one thing I was looking so forward to this summer: morning coffee at home. I found this mug in the clearance bin at Michael's a few days before school got out. I love roosters, and they remind me of my Grandma Donnie, so I had to have it. I thought it was a dollar (still a steal), but it rang up as $0.44. Wouldn't you know it, I had exactly that much in my coin purse. See, I couldn't have passed it up! One of my favorite times of the day is hanging out with the girls while still in our jammies, sipping coffee while we all slowly wake up.
I am off for the summer, and soooo looking forward to all of these weeks with the girls, as well as just having the freedom to get things done, enjoy my morning coffee (in the perfect mug), stay up a bit later, get together with friends who are also home, etc. Can't complain! :)
Happy Wednesday!
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