We had a pretty typical girls weekend...
Went shopping, and spent some time in the shoe department:
After shoe shopping, we decided to hang at the mall for a while:
Dressed in our favorite outfits and posed for pictures:
Danced the night away:
We didn't have a pillow fight, but we did go to the fabric store to pick out fabric for special pillow cases (close enough, right?):
I found this fun, easy "tube pillow case" pattern on YouTube:
After you sew the tube, pull the middle out:
That gives you a cute ribbon between the main case and lining:
Sew the end and side, and you have easy, cute pillow cases for two excited girls!
(Don't forget your helper)
It's not a girls weekend without some mischief:
Sleeping bags, a movie, and popcorn is a must. Kaitlyn and I slept down in the living room that night:
And a couple of not-so-typical activities to make it our own:
We went down to my grandparents' house one last time before it was officially put on the market (more on that later):
And there you have it. We missed Daddy like crazy, but our girls weekends are pretty special, too. :)
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