The birthday girl sat next to Kaitlyn at dinner, and when Kaitlyn dropped her shoe (or her "Croc Shoe" as she calls it), Grandma hooked it with her cane to return it. You know it only took once for K to turn this into a game. And so it continued through much of dinner, much to a certain little girl's delight.
I love, love this picture. The looks on both of their faces are priceless!
Kaitlyn entertained herself quite well with DIY bongo drums:
After dinner, we headed for a walk by the water:
I have come to terms with the fact that, with two young kids, it is just too much work to get everyone to look at the camera. So, I have resorted to choosing the ones in which Jeff and I look good. ;-) (What?)
She insisted on this outfit that morning. Said, "This is my princess dress." The skirt is too big by iteself, so the solution was to put pants under it to hold it up. I, for one, think it's cute and makes a bold statement of character. ;-)
I feel lucky to not only be Katryn's cousin, but her friend as well. She's a beautiful, fun-loving, intelligent gal, whom I love spending time with when I can.
My brudder :-)
Can't be at the waterfront without the obligatory ferry picture:
This girl LOVES to be outside. Begs for it. Cries when you bring her inside. Would stay outside all day if she could. She is our free little bird. :-) Just look at how happy she is:
We have a lot to be happy about, even if every day isn't as beautiful as this one.