She is cruisin'! About four days ago, she finally made the transition from a few steps here and there, to walking more than crawling. I think she's pretty excited about being able to do more and more that Big Sister can do.
In other news, Austen has yet another tooth, and is working on another one. This child has been teething nonstop for what feels like forever! Poor thing. :(
But there is plenty of this in between:
Austen is becoming more of a little girl every day...dancing, holding things up to her ear and saying "ello?", saying "hi," and continuing to do this hilarious face where she clenches her teeth and fists...I WILL catch it on camera. She makes us laugh, and we couldn't be more happy that our little family is complete. We are so lucky.
Speaking of making us laugh, Kaitlyn is a non-stop comedian. I went in to wake her up early on a day care morning, and she greeted me with, "Leave me alone...I'm sleepin'!" And, as we went through the drive through at McDonald's (what?) the other day, a confident voice from the back pipes up with, "I'll have a Diet Coke" (hmm...wonder where she got that order from!) This kid is such a joy in our lives, and Jeff and I try not to take a moment for granted.
I could wish for a million things in this life: More nice weather, a nicer house, to be a stay-at-home mom...but the truth is that I am the luckiest person alive because I have MY kids. Nobody else gets to be their mommy. Instead of wasting my time wishing, I'm working on living gratefully for what I have been blessed with. Why do anything else?
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