Kaitlyn will be 6 weeks old tomorrow, and we are assuming she is over 10 pounds by now. She now has a nice roll in her "little" thighs, and has pretty much outgrown her newborn clothes. :) It's so amazing how much she is already changing and "growing up." She is beginning to discover new sounds she can make, and has started smiling! It's still in the beginning stages, so I'm sure it will get even better, but it melts my heart all the same. :)
This is not a good picture, but had to share anyway:

My grandma Donnie's sister sent us this blanket with Kaitlyn's name and birth date embroidered on it. Very special. :)

Big girl lifting her head :)

I found this hat on ETSY - I love it!

We had a really nice Thanksgiving at Jeff's parents' house on Thursday. There's a picture of Aunt Stacey and Kaitlyn at the bottom. My cousins, Katryn and Anni, were in town, so my mom did a dinner on Friday evening. Anni's son, 'Io (ee-oh), is a year old. He's adorable! Apparently, he likes boxes. He got himself into the little box one of his toys came in and wanted his mom to pull him around in it. So cute.
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