Here's Kaitlyn and Paige on Sunday morning (we spent the night). Yes, our daughter is more than 2 months younger than Paige, but is pretty much the same size. :)

Kaitlyn and I played some dress-up yesterday. I swear it was her idea!

Kaitlyn and I went back to bed together on Saturday morning. I got up eventually, and she decided to sleep longer. I just love this picture :)

For some reason, I think it's really cute how engrossed she gets with her mobile jungle friends. She'll sit and watch them forever....

Jeff helped Kaitlyn hold her own bottle. :)

We are all doing well. Jeff just started school again yesterday after a 6 week break. :( We are both really glad that he decided to take the break, and are very excited for him to be done in the spring.
We got our Christmas tree on Sunday, so the next step is finding time to decorate it. I also want to be sure to decorate the house, which is harder this year. :) I can't believe that it's already December! I keep thinking that I'll be back to work before I know's going so fast.
Happy December!
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