Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy 2012

To start off this reflection/new year post, I have a confession: When I turned 30 almost a year ago, I kind of panicked. Leading up to it, I didn't think I would. I wouldn't be receiving any "Over the Hill" gag gifts for another ten years, and I know that 30 isn't "old."

The day after it was official, though, it hit me that I.Am.Thirty. THIRTY. I am no longer in my twenties. I have lines on my face, my knees crack somethin' fierce when I crouch down, I have a bunion (yes, a bunion...what?) on my left foot, I gasp when I see a 16 year old driving a car (seriously?!?), and my gray hairs have too many friends to keep referring to as "strays." Let's face it, I'm not getting any younger.

I'm not gonna lie, I was a little down in the dumps over this for a couple of months.

I snapped out of it, and now looking back at the past nine months or so, I realize that I am more content, more calm, and happier than I believe I've ever been. I'm not spewing puppies and rainbows every single waking minute, mind you, but there has been great improvement.

I had typed this whole rambling mess of affirmation-type paragraphs, but I deleted them for fear that one of the five people who actually read this may take it as me thinking I'm awesome, which wasn't the intention. Just the act of writing it (then deleting it) had the desired effect for myself - inspiration and motivation.

In a nutshell, things that have made the beginning of my thirties great: Choosing positivity and happiness, less judgment (like, none if I can help it. Who am I to judge? Who are you?), less complaining, more thankfulness, and learning, always learning, to let the small things, or those I can't control, go.

30 has turned out to be pretty awesome. My twenties were a blast, but as luck would have it, I'm ready to move on. :-)

And now, some pictures:

Continuing with The Great Nap-Drop of 2011/12. Daddy is clearly not the one spear-heading this. On a positive note, these spontaneous cat naps do not seem to alter the success of this nap plan. Kaitlyn has been falling asleep a lot earlier, which results in more sleep overall (for her).

We have had carseat boxes in our garage for over a year, waiting for the perfect rainy day.

We took the Easy Bake Oven on its maiden voyage last week. Red Velvet cupcakes were the first adventure.

The wait.
The anticipation of the taste test

We call this "Bieber Hair"
One guess for who picked this outfit on a school morning. Oh wait, I may need to allow two guesses (it was Kaitlyn, not Daddy)


They decided (well, Kaitlyn decided, and her shadow confirmed), that dinner should be eaten standing on chairs at the counter one evening last week. Why not?

Imaginative play

Hours of fun with boxes around here

The tutu hoarder. I believe there are six tutus in that bunch



Anastasia said...

Love these posts. They make me really look forward to the years to come with my little guy. And yes, yours 30s are a time to relax and not take life too seriously.

Lisa said...

I am convinced at every stage that it's my favorite. ;) Jasper is adorable, and it looks like you guys are livin' it up :)