There isn't too much news to report. We had a nice Father's Day at our house with our families. Kaitlyn is as busy as ever. She is now saying "please" (peeeeease) and "thank you" (tay-too) on her own quite a bit, but I would too if I knew it was going to get me something. ;-) It's pretty cute. She also says "bless you" when you sneeze. However, no matter who sneezes, it's usually "bless you, Autee (Austen)." She continues to be our climber. If there is something to get on top of or into, she's there.
Austen started to laugh a couple of weeks ago. :-) Not consistent yet, but we've definitely heard it and love it! I can't believe she will already be three months old tomorrow. Before we know it, she'll be climbing with her big sister. :-)
Enjoy the pictures!
Playing in the sprinkler today for the first time:
Annnndddd...she's in.
We are now hanging out with Michaela every Monday during the summer. For those who don't know, I met her when I worked at a day care when she was 4 months old. I have babysat/nannied her off and on ever since. She is now almost 10! She and Kaitlyn have a great time together. :-)
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