Kaitlyn has been into "arranging" things lately. She'll get pretty focused for up to about 30 minutes on a task that she's given herself. One of the latest is stacking her toys on the back of her chair. Notice her day care disheveled hair. :)

Getting more:

We officially have a walker. :) She gets better and more independent at it every day. She gets so proud of herself when she does it...pretty cute :)

She continues to enjoy reading to herself. This is another thing that she can sit and do by herself for pretty long periods of time. Of course, this makes her teacher mommy proud. ;)

She is such a happy kid! Overall, she is very laid-back and flexible. Now that I've said this, of course, the big tantrums will start tomorrow. :) She has definitely started minor ones, especially when she's tired.

Reaching for toys that fell from her chair. I tried to get a picture of just her feet hanging in the air, but this was the best I got:

Our little tornado :)

Yet another one of her "projects." She loves to put on socks, pants, shirts, etc. She hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet. Here are her socks on the tips of her shoes :)

Playing blocks with Dada:

Kaitlyn is doing a lot of mimicking these days - I love it! Here she is filling the bath cup with water, just like we do when we rinse her off:

Helping Dada with Riley's bath:

This last weekend, we went up to Crystal Mountain again to Jeff's dad's cabin (Grandpa Rick and Grandma Sue). They were nice enough to let us use it for a little getaway as a family of three before Austen arrives. :) We had a great time relaxing and spending time with Kaitlyn. It did make it harder to come back to work this morning, though!
She loves to get a wipey and "clean" everything. She'll go around wiping down surfaces, her sippy, her face, you name it.

Happy girl after a long nap:

She LOVES this stool. She'll push it around the kitchen all day if you let her. Picking it up was the big deal this weekend:

Playing with her Little People (I've been busy on Craigslist:)):
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