This will mostly just be a picture update. :)
Meagan, Kaitlyn, and I took a little trip to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival last weekend. Jeff had a ton of homework (surprise), so we gave him the house to himself. :)

Pay no attention to the look on my face; it was bright :)

Okay, so this is not the best picture of Kaitlyn's face, but I had to show our afternoon yesterday. :)

This is one of her latest "skills." As usual, it's one that Jeff and I can't get enough of and think is the cutest, smartest thing ever, but we understand that we may be a little biased. Kaitlyn now pulls her toy bin over to grab toys out. You gotta admit it's cute, right?

She loves to sit in her crib and hold onto the railing.

We went to a wedding last weekend of one of Jeff's family friends. Kaitlyn wore her new dress. :)

I love this one of K and Daddy looking at the birds. The wedding was at Country Village, so we went through the playground on the way to our car.

The fam :)

In other news, Jeff graduates THIS MONTH!!! He has less than four weeks to go until the last day of school on May 25th. He already had his last day of "ground classes," and the rest will be online. No more lonely Monday nights for me!
Love the tulip pics! We might go Sunday! Can't wait to see miss Kaitlyn tomorrow. :)
She's getting so big! Looks so cute in the tulips.
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