Jeff and I are sitting here, about to watch the rest of
The Dark Night, (we started the other night and fell asleep - surprise), and Kaitlyn is sleeping soundly for the time being. We may actually get to enjoy some Jeff and Lisa time if she doesn't wake up. In general, she's been going down for the night around 10:30 or so. No matter what time we've tried to get her to go to sleep, it always ends up being final around that time (final = no more going back in to pick her up/put her back down:)). We are determined to make this earlier, and tonight may be a success with 9:30. Cross your fingers that nothing comes over the monitor any time soon; it's been 10 minutes! Other than that, things are just moving along as usual around here. Jeff gets Monday off from school, but had to do quite a bit of homework to do today. He finished, though, so nothing to do tomorrow! :)
Kaitlyn weighed in at 13 lbs., 3 oz. on Thursday. What a chunker! I took her in to have her weighed because I was paranoid that she wasn't getting enough to eat (one of the many "joys" of the breastfeeding rollercoaster...) Apparently, she's getting enough. :) She continues, of course, to be the light of our lives, and we couldn't be any luckier. She is smiling up a storm, which makes us laugh every single time without fail, and she's interacting more each day. I know that every parent says this constantly, but it is so incredibly amazing how quickly she changes. Here are some pictures!
We got Kaitlyn a "Bumbo" chair last week. It helps her sit up on her own and has a little tray to put toys on. I'm assuming the chicken was cracking some pretty funny jokes, because this is what Kaitlyn did for about five minutes:

This picture is for Gina. It would be much better if it wasn't the college years, but I didn't want to wait for the cycle to start over. (Don't worry, I moved Kaitlyn shortly after this picture was taken...:))

Standing with Daddy (doesn't she look older?!)

Our friends, Jason and Hitomi, had their little girl in December. Her name is Reina :) She's about 3 weeks old in this picture:

A hat from Mollie :)

We didn't end up watching
The Dark Night. We watched three episodes of The Real World, and now we are going to bed. (Kaitlyn stayed asleep - yay!)
okay, the saved by the bell pic is hilarious! she is so cute!!
Oh she is so cute! We need to get the girls together! Isn't it so much fun now? Every day is more smiles, laughs, etc.
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