Well, I'm officially a year behind in blogging. Here is part of what we've been up to in the first week of November:
Puzzles. Austen inparticular has found a renewed love for puzzles. They are even better with tinted goggles.
Kaitlyn got her free birthday cupcake from the Barnes and Noble Kids' Club. This is one of the many things of parenthood I absolutely love: The simple ways to make their week.

I found this in Austen's night stand drawer. I love that K gave it to her, and I love that she's been keeping it in a safe place. The girls have always been besties, but since school started up again, there has been more loving and less fighting. They are the best pair, and we feel so lucky.
The other morning, they got up before us and played Crazy Eights for about an hour before we came downstairs.

Mornings are the best. The girls get up early enough that we have down time before school. I am up anyway, so this time is welcome. Our mornings don't feel rushed, and I love that.
I have started a long term sub job at LFP (where I went and where K goes) for a 5/6 split class. I decided last year that I wanted to work at this school and that I was going to go out of my normal comfort zone to see if I could make it happen. Here I am. It's not a contracted job, but it's a start! I'm excited to be at such a great school, and to be in the same building as KK.
Oh, how he can be a stinker, but he's our baby and I've always been partial to his snuggles.
The girls played on the same soccer team for their first season. The Red Flashes consisted of players of all skill levels and concentration, but (most of) the games and practices were fun, and we hope that they will continue with soccer. I made some of my closest friends through team sports, and it did so much more for me than keep me in shape.
Justin and Erin brought Jeff and I to the Seahawks game this past weekend. Great times with good friends!
Happy November.