Austen is only 3 months away from being one year old. She is definitely on the move...still "scooting" more than anything, but attempting hands and knees a bit. She's also pulling herself up on everything and getting into things. I think this is one stage I can do without, since she is still so wobbly but wants to pull up.
One of our favorite things right now is Austen's little laugh. She cracks herself up. :) She will just be sitting there and start giggling - too cute. She loves her big sister and just can't wait to be able to do everything she does.
This girl still loves to eat! She loves her fruits and veggies, and has now mastered the art of picking up "Puffs" and stuffing them in her mouth. Her two bottom teeth are both through and growing in fast.
We have her 9 month appointment on Monday, so I'll be sure to post current stats!