We are staying very busy and enjoying the nice weather. :) We hang out in the back yard a lot of evenings, go for runs and walks on the trail, etc.
Austen update: I weighed her last week, and she weighs...wait for it...15 pounds!! She's not even 4 months ;) (She will be on Friday.) She's definitely our chunky girl! But we wouldn't trade those thunder thighs for anything. :) She just started reaching for and grabbing toys this week. It's so fun to actually watch her turn into a little "human."
Kaitlyn: She continues to be our little sponge, and says new words and phrases every day. We often look at each other and say, "Did she really just say that?" Right now one of her favorites is "There it is!" when she finds something. :) She also hears Mama say "Oh, thank you!" when she hands me something, so now she says, "Oh, Teetoo!" in a little high pitched voice. Cracks me up. :)
I think I mentioned before that I joined a mommy group, so we have been going to a lot of play dates. It's fun for Kaitlyn to meet and play with other kids, and it's fun for me to meet other moms in the area. And, it gives us something to do in the mornings!
Now the pictures :)
Kaitlyn and some of her little friends:

Grandpa Roger's birthday was on the 10th, so they had a get together at their house. Kaitlyn had a blast in the back yard with the neighbor kids:

Out at dinner, stylin' :)

Kara has Mondays off, so we get together sometimes on her days off. Kaitlyn and Paige were a little tuckered out:

Our little scholars:

At Sliver Lake Park down by the water:

Does this need an explanation???

Bouncy house play date - Kaitlyn loved it!!