Austen - 11 pounds, 2 ounces!! This puts our "little" girl in the 95th percentile. Go Austen! I don't remember her length, but it was also in the 95th percentile. Who made this baby??
Kaitlyn - 22 pounds, 25th percentile. Proof that a chub can turn into a peanut. She's not teeny-tiny, but not the 85th percentile baby that she used to be. :-) She's still got her cute belly, which we love! She's actually starting to grow out of some of her clothes finally, which is making Mama sad...
And some pictures. This was fun to clean up. Thank goodness for my dad, who came up and helped clean for a couple of hours, which is how long it took to get most of the shampoo out of the carpet. I was having a hard time getting it clean with Kaitlyn wanting to help and Austen needing me, too. Thank you, Dad!!! Hair products are now on a higher shelf...