Sunday, January 17, 2010
And Kaitlyn's New Hobby...
In one of my recent posts, I told about how Kaitlyn is into putting "necklaces" on. This includes anything that resembles a necklace at all, such as Mama's (clean :)) underwear. This is what we found after she had been helping fold laundry for a bit. (And this will mostly likely be the most risque post you'll end up seeing here, so don't worry!)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
New Hobby :)
And here is project #2. Not much is getting done around the house, as this is what I'm spending Kaitlyn's nap time doing...oops! This is a little pouch for my crochet hooks. Yes, I'm a nerd. (I'm adding this to a previous post, so these are out of order.)

I decided last weekend that I was going to learn to crochet. I've tried my hand at knitting, and it has gone okay, but I kept hearing that crochet can go a bit faster. So, I bought a book and used Youtube for how-to videos, and made my first project. Here it is...obviously not perfect, but it's my first! :) (Oh, it's a baby beanie with cherries - yep, those big, red balls are supposed to be "cherries" :))
Monday, January 4, 2010
And the Rest...
Here are a ton more pictures from the past two weeks. They are all in reverse order, of course, thanks to my superb blogging abilities.
Last night, our first work night in a while (and Kaitlyn's first "school night"), we realized that we are not the only ones affected by having a later bed time during break. Kaitlyn wasn't quite ready for bed, so she got to come have a snack in Mama and Dada's bed.
Climbing on top of boxes has become a favorite activity. Hanging out on top of boxes is even more fun!

Grandpa Rick and Grandma Sue got Kaitlyn a "Little People" Noah's Ark. It's amazing how long she can sit and rearrange all of the animals. She's focused!

My college friend, Jamie, got married on New Year's Eve. It was quite an event!
Happy New Year!

The Girls:
We went to Rick and Sue's cabin last week for a night. It's up near Crystal Mountain, and a really nice little getaway. This herd of Elk hangs out in the area. We saw them on the way out resting in a back yard. Can't imagine seeing this at home!
Grandpa Rick and Grandma Sue :)
We took Kaitlyn up the mountain while we were there. I'd be curious to see if she likes snow when she's actually had a nap. She wasn't a big fan that day. :)
Sue made her this adorable hat. It cracks me up!

Trying on Mama's new hat and gloves :)
Uncle Rob sharing with his favorite niece:
Grammy Debbie and Papa Dave got her the "Mega Playhut." She loves it! Luckily, it collapses easily. :) It was on Kaitlyn's Christmas list.
Do you think she likes it?
Kaitlyn loves to play the piano with Aunt Stacey! She even started saying "Stacey" last week. :)
"Grandma Great" LaVonne, "Grandpa Great" Allan, and Grandma Bonnie. Grandma LaVonne is no longer with us, so this picture is pretty special and will be treasured:

This pretty much sums up the past two weeks. Kaitlyn has been a trooper through all of the craziness of the holidays, and just continues to crack herself up. :)

Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Roger got Kaitlyn (and Austen) this cool wagon. It has seatbelts, two facing seats, and even cup holders! We can't wait to pull our girls around in it (and Kaitlyn will enjoy it until her sister is here).
Bonnie found Jeff's Mickey Mouse hat:
Checking out my parents' tree on Christmas morning:
Jeff and I cooked breakfast on Christmas morning so that my mom could actually relax. :)
Reading one of K's new books at home on Christmas morning. It's called I Love you Through and Through. I highly recommend it; it's very cute. :)
Kaitlyn kept biting into the Satsumas. She liked the peel! Of course we had to pry it out so she didn't choke. :)
Excited about her new puppet:

Okay, these are out of order, but this is after our Benihana dinner on the 22nd. This is a yearly tradition in December for my family. My cousin Katryn has been in town from Texas, and Rob was home for the holiday, so the five of us walked over to the gingerbread houses after dinner.
The fam after dinner:

Family shot with our silly girl :)
Checking out her yummy Benihana food:
I took Kaitlyn to a playdate with some people that I used to work with (and my good friend Gina). I think there were about 18 kids there! Kaitlyn enjoyed playing with the doll house:
Last night, our first work night in a while (and Kaitlyn's first "school night"), we realized that we are not the only ones affected by having a later bed time during break. Kaitlyn wasn't quite ready for bed, so she got to come have a snack in Mama and Dada's bed.
Grandpa Rick and Grandma Sue got Kaitlyn a "Little People" Noah's Ark. It's amazing how long she can sit and rearrange all of the animals. She's focused!
My college friend, Jamie, got married on New Year's Eve. It was quite an event!
The Girls:
Trying on Mama's new hat and gloves :)
This pretty much sums up the past two weeks. Kaitlyn has been a trooper through all of the craziness of the holidays, and just continues to crack herself up. :)
Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Roger got Kaitlyn (and Austen) this cool wagon. It has seatbelts, two facing seats, and even cup holders! We can't wait to pull our girls around in it (and Kaitlyn will enjoy it until her sister is here).
Okay, these are out of order, but this is after our Benihana dinner on the 22nd. This is a yearly tradition in December for my family. My cousin Katryn has been in town from Texas, and Rob was home for the holiday, so the five of us walked over to the gingerbread houses after dinner.
Family shot with our silly girl :)
Okay, now time for some randoms...
Important parenting lesson that I really should have known: If they are "too quiet," they are most definitely up to something...
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Holiday Update
I was going to include more pictures, but don't have time, so here are some for now! There are a ton more, of course!
Kaitlyn on Christmas morning. She got a baggie of Pirate Booty in her stocking and didn't care about much else! :)
Enjoying her new toy from Aunt Lori:
Of course playing with the box more than the contents. This box got pushed all over the room:
Kaitlyn on Christmas morning. She got a baggie of Pirate Booty in her stocking and didn't care about much else! :)
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