Wednesday, March 6, 2013


We will be heading to Hawaii in the somewhat near future (woo-hoo!!!), which motivated us to put Kaitlyn back into swimming lessons and to start Austen as soon as she turned three. We want them to fulfill our daily-swimming-in-the-pool fantasies while we are there, so they'll need to be comfortable!

K sat out the first two classes, which wasn't surprising to us so we went with it. She did get a little further in each time, and was upset when class ended the second time. Not just because she's my daughter, but because I have memories of being the exact same way when I was her age, I knew what was going through her head. She really wanted to go in with her teacher and the class, and was mentally working her way toward it. She was soooo close when that second class ended, so she was bummed. I get it. I've been there.

By the third class, she hopped right in and hasn't looked back since. Teacher Gelsi, with her big 'ole dreadlocks and super gentle way with the kids has been a great match for K.

I'm guessing that this is not only true for us parents with timid kids, but I'll tell ya, each and every time Kaitlyn goes off on her own like this, my heart absolutely swells. It actually hurts -- I'm so proud and all "I can't believe my daughter, my daughter is taking swimming lessons all by herself!" I have come to think that maybe having a kiddo who is timid like this actually makes us appreciate the small moments that much more. Because we do -- we beam at and celebrate the smallest things.

Anyway, I've been that mom at swimming. Clapping, cheering, high fivin', thumbs up, and holding the camera in my kid's face every three seconds.

Oh, and Austen.This girl suited up for every.single class in that first session. She wanted to be in there so bad. Suit, robe, and crocs every time (and accessories on special occasions), then off with the robe and crocs, just in case -- Put me in, Coach!

And then...her moment. It finally came. We were told that, since she'd be turning three during the next session, she could be in.

For no less than two hours straight, she would exclaim, "I'm goin' SWIMMIN'!!" (Which is, coincidentally, the exact thing Kaitlyn exclaimed in the exact fashion, the first time we took her swimming around A's age.)

Watching Austen go into the pool with her big sister gave my heart another jolt. Beaming and proud, but so bitter-sweet. With our youngest turning three soon, I've been slipping into mourning mode for their babyhood, and for the fact that our only babies are now kids. So, while I could not have been happier for her, or more proud, it hurt. And again, I was that mom.

She kept looking back at us and beaming :)

 K kept her little sister in line, teaching her the rules -- "Austy, you have to stay on the bench and look at Teacher Gelsi."

Wait, there's more! (I'm out.of.control.)

 They both put their faces in the water by the end of the first class (K was putting her head under during her last sessions, and we are working back up to that ;)). It helps both of them to have the other one there. I'm sure they'll be swan diving in no time...

We got them wristbands so they can go into the play pool for 15 minutes after each class. Lucky girls!



And since this post feels particularly overrun with pictures (when are they not, really), a quick reminder of why I do it: Our 5th blog book -- 2012 -- arrived. Yippee!

I used to loooooove, and still do loooooove going through pictures of my baby/childhood. I love these books!

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