Saturday, March 16, 2013

Crochet Adventures and 13.1

My crochet addiction was reborn back in early fall (well, maybe as soon as the air started turning cooler to hint fall), and a few weeks ago it left again as quickly as it came. I'm over it...for now. I'm sure it'll be back next September when the urge to hunker down with heated blankies and cozy projects returns.

As a send off, here are some of the {small} projects that were completed:

For a friend's little guy, due in April
I'll need to make a few more of these to fine-tune my skills with this pattern

The blue and white beanie (the teacher-mama's school colors) and onesie were for a dear friend from CWU days. We both ended up staying another quarter, so it was just the two of us out of our college group. We made shirts that said Go Hard or Go Home. That's all I'll say. Her little boy is due in May.

And oh...the monkey cup cozy. I believe I posted this little guy before...before the mayhem of the monkey cozy. I posted the first one on this Facebook buy/sell site that I'm part of - you know, to sell the one I had already made - and much to my surprise, people started placing orders. I know I could have said no, but...well, I didn't. Eight of these little devils later, and I wanted to burn the pattern and curse the writer. Keep in mind, I'm an advanced-beginner and these things still take me a bit -- I'm sure a pro would giggle at my drama.

Anyway, Grandma Bonnie, the one below is yours -- I have had it for a while and keep forgetting to give it to you! And, I still have a few things in the making for those who have requested, before I put the hooks away for spring and summer. I still enjoy a little leisurely hooking; I'm just not the ravenous hooker (heehee) I was a month ago...


I ran the Lake Sammamish half marathon last weekend, and blew my previous PR out of the water by 6 minutes! The course is very flat and the promise of a PR is right in the advertising. :) My time was 1:52:17 (8 min. 32 sec. miles), which is almost 6 minutes faster than my ChelanMan time of 158:08. I'm going to bask in this for a bit since I doubt that I'll run that time again unless I do this same course next year. I am still proud of myself!

The female first place finisher last weekend finished in 1:15:57, which was only two minutes behind the male first placer. Can you imagine?! Those are fast and furious miles.

I love running. I run for three main reasons, in this order: My mental/emotional state improves by a ton, I enjoy it -- I have bad days where I don't enjoy the actual run as much but I have never regretted a run and it makes me feel strong and capable after I finish a run that I didn't feel like starting -- and physical results.

I am inspired by all sorts of runners, but especially by beginners or born-again-runners who have committed themselves to getting in better shape, etc. We all have the potential to be discouraged by others who are going farther than us. I have had to do a few pep talks with myself about full marathon peeps (and ultra marathons -- seriously??!) and feeling that my 13.1 is "short" and not much of an accomplishment compared to theirs. There's that ugly word: compared.

Why am I doing this? For myself, for the three reasons above that have nothing to do with anyone else. Are you running 5ks or marathons or working your way toward one? Are you running? Walking? Who are you doing it for? Are you pushing and challenging yourself? Then you are doing great things.

There is always going to be someone doing something more than you, going farther than you. Put your blinders on and stay focused on your own goal, and celebrate it when you get there. We all come from different walks (runs?) of life, and we all deserve to celebrate.

Hey, this could go for parenting, too, but I won't go into that now. ;)

Well, that turned into a rambling mess.


My Saturday long run was 14 miles this morning (perhaps that's why I'm getting all mushy about running - too much time to think...). That's the farthest I've ever run. I have a nagging voice in my head that wants to go for a full marathon. I feel like if I don't try it, it's just going to become more annoying. So, I've decided to up my runs and see if I can get to 18 somewhat comfortably. This means that yes, my legs are jello by the end of the run (as they are at the end of 13 because that's what I trained for), but I'm not leaving the trail in an aid car. If I can do this, then I'm signing up. However, I'm giving myself permission to back out if it's too much before then. Right now, it's purely mental, and I got over a hump this morning by pushing myself past a half distance.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Keep doing what challenges you.



Maggie said...

Crochet and running all in one post? I like you. Like, a lot. Congrats on the PR! Can't wait to see more of your creations next fall.

Lisa said...

Haha :) Always nice to know there's at least one person I'm not totally boring ;) Thank you!
Maybe next year I'll make progress on the ever-daunting granny square blanket ;)