Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October Love

Pumpkin patch adventure, Wenatchee road trip for baby showers, and more of the same favorite fall activities. Finding a good balance between staying busy and staying home.

We legitimately lost the two older ones for a good five minutes in the corn maze. I left Austen with Kara, and proceeded to get lost myself and return after the girls had made their way back. Well done, corn maze.

"How many candy corns do I need to give you to pose for a few more pictures?" I'm only a little ashamed.
This is so "Austen"

Attempt at getting three giggly girls to pose for the camera:
We'll stick with candid shots.



Doll blanket complete! I love how it turned out and am excited for the bigger one...
Boot cuffs



Austen woke up one night and wanted to rock in her chair. I happily obliged, and debated sleeping for the rest of the night like this.

Apparently, K wanted to sleep close to her sister. We found her like this, outside of Austen's room, about an hour after we put her to bed.

Austen has been reading the pictures in her books

"We want to read our own bedtime stories"

The return of rainy runs...

Mama and Daddy got to have a date day. Is it a problem that Home Depot and Costco were included on our date? Old, old, old...

My old iPhone pic doesn't do this justice at all, but the fall colors approaching Leavenworth were beautiful!

"We need to save some of me for later"

The 'ole Nokia cell phone. I have half a mind to get it goin' again and bring back the trend...

Jeff took the girls to Molback's Nursery for a free Princess and the Pea play while I was in Wenatchee for the day. This is Kaitlyn's recount in pictures: 

"There we are in the audience"


A four hour baby shower for Heather (with baby Addalyn) and Abby (pregnant with baby Tate) at a winery in Wenatchee = much needed Central girl time. I love these ladies!!

Photo courtesy of Jenni Muehlenbruch!



Maggie said...

Oh, the pumpkin patch pictures... So cute! I love all of the outakes of the three girls. I'm thinking I may have snapped one or two that will actually turn out this year-- little wiggle worms! :)

Lisa said...

Yeah, two is near impossible, but three...forget it ;) At least they were having fun! Next time ill remember to bring a coat for myself-I was freezing. Can't win 'em all :)