Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Jeff and I are really looking forward to bedtime this evening...we finally got a real "grownup" bedroom set. ;-) Three years ago or so, we had a set all picked out and ready to purchase, then found out the next day that I was pregnant with Kaitlyn. We did the responsible thing, and saved our money for diapers instead. Well, we decided that it was time to treat ourselves. :-)

The bed - we need king size pillows, but you get the idea. Yes, Jeff is thrilled about the flowery bedspread I picked out. He says that it looks sooooo cute with our green walls. ;-)

The dresser:
Everything is a little plain right now, but I am just excited to have some matching furniture!
Here is Austen excited about trying on her birthday outfit. She'll be one next week!!

Kaitlyn the bath burrito:
Austen has been really getting into playing with this doll. We have dubbed this "Austen's doll," which Kaitlyn seems to have accepted. ;-)
Side view of the cheeks, which are still going strong. You can still barely see one of her first big owies: a bruise on her cheek. Not even sure what happened. :-)
Austen has yet another tooth, bringing the total to 11, I believe. She also had her very last bottle on Sunday night. :( We didn't want to buy a whole new can of formula for the next week (till she turned one), so we decided to just go to milk when the last one ran out. She is doing fine with the milk in a sippy, and we are coming to terms with the fact that we are most likely done with bottles forever.
A few new Kaitlynisms this week: Calling people "honey," drawing lugnuts on her car pictures (courtesy of Papa), using her Magnadoodle magnets as stethescopes on anyone who will let her ("Is it too cold?"), and giving hugs and saying "I love you" (my personal favorite).
I got my first blog book in the mail, and I LOVE it! Makes me feel so much less guilty for never starting baby books. ;-) 2009 and 2010 are in the mail as we speak!