Why recreate the wheel when you can steal from others? Austen and I went out on Christmas Eve night (Little Miss No-Nap zonked out in the car on the way home) to spread reindeer food in the driveway to help Santa find us. I assure you that I was not the one to dream up this idea. :-)
The girls went straight to bed, and we went to work. Remember how Jeff is the most amazing daddy? (Yes, I know that your hubby is, too :-)) Kaitlyn came downstairs unnoticed and saw all of Santa's wrapped gifts a few days before Christmas. Jeff insisted on re-wrapping each one as to not give anything away. All in the name of Christmas magic...atta Daddy.
I sat in this scene for a good 20 minutes when it was all said and done, soaking it in. I cannot believe that I am doing this for my own kids. My heart is so full, it could burst. (Then the panic of "Omg, I can't believe that keeping Santa alive is MY job for the next ____ years. That's a lot of pressure!)
And in the morning..."Santa came! He ate his cookies and drank his milk!" He came, indeed. :-)
Kaitlyn is thrilled with anything birthday. Birthday cake, birthday candles, birthday song...so Santa brought a birthday set for the doll house
Austen opening a gift: GASP..."PRESENT!"
Hi-Ho Cherry-o game. Did I mention that this age is fun? I get to sit and play a real game with my big girl...
Daddy insisted on Austen having these ballerina slippers
KK got her very own apron and chef's hat (and hot mit, wooden mixing spoon/rolling pin, and dish towel) for cooking with Mama (Cooking with Mama = pancakes, cookies, play dough, and anything else equally as easy/kid-friendly. I'm not what most would call a cook, but she loves it just the same :)). She also got an Easy Bake Oven from Grammie and Papa. Guess who is equally excited about that gift??
New, wooden food for the play kitchen. Big upgrade from what it came with. Again, it's possible that someone else is excited to play with the new accessories.
The girls got a changing station from Santa. I am He is hoping that this will have the same success as the kitchen
Break for breakfast before stockings
Kaitlyn wanted a microphone for Christmas, and Santa delivered
Santa didn't want any arguing over microphones :-) And, in posting these pictures, this Santa rookie realized that next year, tags need to come off of the workshop gifts...