Monday, September 27, 2010

Stats, Solids, and Cooking with Toddlers

Jeff took Austen to her 6 month check-up today. Here are her stats:

Weight: 19lbs. 7oz. (96th %)
Height: 26 3/4 in. (83rd %)

We gave her "solids" for the first time this weekend. As you can see, she was not a fan the first day.

Here is the next day. Hmm...I think she changed her mind.
Within about a week, she has gone from sitting up with assistance (leaning against her legs or the floor), to sitting for quite a long time without holding herself up. I forget how quickly they catch on to things. So amazing!

Watching Sissy play with her ball:
This next section fits into the category of proud parents. We do understand that you may not find this to be the "cutest thing you've ever read," but I'll write it like you will. ;-)
Kaitlyn is really into her play kitchen, and it has been so fun in the past month or so watching her imaginative play really develop. She washes her hands in her sink, cooks things in the microwave, makes sure to turn on the oven light while she's cooking, seasons her creations, picks up the pan to shake it back and forth before putting it back on the burner (you know, so it doesn't burn), blows on her "hot food," etc. It's incredibly cute if you ask her parents. ;-) I like to sneak in and watch her for a while when she doesn't know I'm there.
I thought she was cooking breakfast (peas) for me yesterday morning, but it turned out it was all for Ernie. Oh well, maybe next time! He's actually getting applesauce here:

Warming rice in the microwave:

Putting green sauce on Mama's (later to become Ernie's) eggs:
Happy Monday!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

6 Months Old!

Annnnnd I can't believe it. No, I really can't this time. I'm sure it's because we are going non-stop ALL of the time, but this has flown by. It's definitely bittersweet to see our second big girl getting all grown up.
I did this one a day early so it wouldn't be late. ;-)

I took the girls into my work the other weekend, and Kaitlyn enjoyed playing school:
Big girl Austen is working on sitting up! She's gotten pretty steady over the past couple of weeks.

This would be Kaitlyn being silly and "changing" herself. She's laying on a diaper pad and putting on a diaper.
Playing horsy with Dada:

Austen has her six month appointment early next week, so I'll post her stats. My guess is that she will be over 19 pounds. Kaitlyn was 20 pounds at her 9 month appointment (now staying steady at just over 23). It will be interesting to see what happens with Austen. She's our sturdy girl alright!
Kaitlyn is just beginning to get possessive of her things around Austen, probably because little sister is now grabbing everything in sight, and is able to manuever her way around a room to get what she wants (rolling, "inch-worming," etc., no crawling). We are working on sharing. ;-)
Happy half-year birthday to our sweet Austen Girl!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

5 Months Old!

These are getting later and later, but here it is :-) Austen is our sweet, happy girl.

I have to tell a quick story about the other morning. It was the weekend, so Jeff and I were both home, and Jeff got up with the girls so that I could sleep in. I thought I heard him putting Austen down for a morning nap right before I got up. As I'm coming out of our bedroom, I hear both girls giggling like crazy. I walk into Austen's room, and Kaitlyn has climbed into her crib and is running in circles around Austen, who is swaddled in the middle of the mattress. They were cracking up!
I love my life. :-)