Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Two Weeks Old!

Nothing much new to report, but wanted to post a few pictures. :-) My first two days on my own have gone great. It helps that Austen sleeps so much right now!

How I found Kaitlyn yesterday. Reading to herself in her rocking chair. I'm sure I'm more amused by it than others, but this will never get old for me. :-)

I had to sneak in a get a picture of how she fell asleep for her nap the other day. My grandma got us a video monitor, so we can spy on Kaitlyn when she's going down to sleep. We are having a little too much fun with it. :-)
Kara and Paige came over on Monday for a play date.
They make a good team! Working together to try to escape:

Kaitlyn has shown a lot more interest in her dolls since Austen came home. This lucky one got a ride in the swing. Better her than the real baby, believe me. ;-)

Again, I'm sure I'm more amused by this than I should be, but this cracks me up every time. Kaitlyn put on Austen's hat and cozied herself into the carseat:

It turns out that Kaitlyn is quite the little egg hunter...we didn't know she had it in her!

My cousin Katryn came up from Texas to meet her new "niece." Kaitlyn has been going around the house since she left saying "Kako?"
Wide awake!

Giving Austen kisses:

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