Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Holy Weight Gain!

I took Kaitlyn back to the pediatrician today for her acne (it's getting better!), and we ended up just making that her 1 month check-up. She's doing great! She is up to 9 pounds, 12 ounces from 9 pounds, 1 ounce last Thursday. The girl likes to eat! :) Other than peeing all over the table, it was a very smooth appointment...

I wanted to try to show how much she's grown, but I don't think you can really see it in these pictures. This one is from about 1 week:

Here she is today:

We got a swing from Craigslist last week. We think it may be our new best friend...

I think Riley may be moving from completely jealous to protective of his little sister

She took a little nap in her crib today! ( life's little excitements have changed...)

So, the night before last was another rough one. It seems that she was sleeping too much during the day, and wanting to play at night. She didn't sleep so much yesterday and last night was a LOT better. Today we are having a hard time keeping her awake, so we'll have to see what tonight brings...
Oh, and 106.9 is playing all Christmas music!! Sorry Thanksgiving, but this makes my year!

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