Friday, September 14, 2012

Summer Send-Off

Like I said, I don't want to see summer go. Fall is creeping in, and I'm giving in to some inevitables like pumpkin flavored everything (minus the lattes -- not my cup, which saves me money and calories and I can't argue with that), cozying up with tea and crochet on colder mornings and nights, and *thinking* about decorating with warmer colors.

I feel like we've done a good job of living up the summer. I never do everything I fantasize about in June, but I'm satisfied.

A couple of weeks ago, the girls and I headed back to the Monroe Fair with my parents, and Jeff met us there after work...


As expected, it was a great time, and both girls had a blast. We now call Kaitlyn our "Woo Girl," (anyone watch How I Met Your Mother?) because every time she goes on a ride or hears a song she loves, it's "Woooo-hoooo!! Weee!!!"

Even though it will just be a still frame in our books, here is a video from the roller coaster (Mama LOVES roller coasters and is thrilled that K does, too):


Since we were already in Monroe, we headed up to the cabin from there. We celebrated my mom's birthday, played at the river, and just did what you are supposed to do at the cabin: Relaxed (as much as you can with two kiddos).

Kaitlyn is finally holding her own in wrestling matches:

K fell asleep with her flashlight on her book

"We" are still working on smooth bedtimes at the cabin. I get it -- how can you go straight to sleep when your sister is on the trundle bed right next to you?

Catching (and releasing, obviously) minnows in butterfly nets is a favorite Index memory of mine. Anyone recognize the 80's McDonald's Happymeal bucket?


She sat here pouring water on herself with an old teakettle for a good 20 minutes

Today, we met Kara, Parker, and Paige at the park, which followed two other outdoor playdates this week, and more last week. Mornings are more crisp and leaves are turning, but we'll take a few more summer days, please.


Maggie said...

Serious memory-making summer. Your girls are lucky little things! I literally laughed out loud when I read your detest of pumpkin lattes and my declaration of love for them. :)

Lisa said...

Haha! The world has to balance out somehow...;) So funny.
You've got some lucky kiddos yourself! We do the best we can, right??