Monday, March 29, 2010


Kaitlyn doing current favorite activity - reading. She could do this all day long. She reads to herself out loud - pretty cute. Also, notice the sandals she's wearing - another favorite. :-)

She enjoyed watching the neighbors through the screen when the weather was nice.

Austen's first bath (well, sponge bath) - obviously loves it! :-)

Kaitlyn and Riley enoying some Daddy time:

Heading home. I wish I would have realized how slumped over Austen was so it was a better picture - oh well!

Austen enjoying some papasan time (5 days old):

Kaitlyn enjoying some papasan time (about 7 days old):

Jeff with Kaitlyn and Riley: we see a pattern with Riley? Jeff with Austen and Riley:

Not the most flattering, but our first family pic :-)

1 comment:

Powtera said...

so cute! They look so alike in the papasan chair! I love the pictures by the door too, so sweet. Good luck with the sleep...

Let us know when you are up for some visitors/company.