Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Summer Collage Extravaganza

Found this in the "Oops, I never finished or posted it" file. I don't want to brag, but this may be the biggest photo dump in the history of all photo dumps. And there's more coming after this one because once something just gets ridiculous, you have to stop and gather yourself.


It's time to stay up past my usual 8:30 bedtime and dump the rest of our summer photos. The calendar and recent incessant rain tell me that it's officially fall.







Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Five, Going on 15

She looks about 15 here, no? Our first baby is growing up before our eyes.

I told Kaitlyn a while ago that she is our favorite surprise -- she was beaming.

Happy 5th birthday to our surprise: Our sweet, sassy, fun-loving, determined, beautiful first baby. We love you so, so much and are so proud of you (even though Mama's heart has been breaking all day at how fast you are growing up).

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Done and done! I'm so happy with my time -- 4:00:44 -- mostly because I knew that I could accomplish it, and I know that I gave it everything I had. That was what was so disappointing about the Rock 'n Roll marathon (beat that time by 21 minutes!)...I KNEW I could do better and it wasn't the fun/satisfying race I had envisioned.

This one was great, for the most part. I did have another anxiety attack (SO frustrating!!) at mile 11, but I kept going and willed myself back from it--I wasn't going to let that stop me this time. Just for the record, these make my legs go weak and turn to jelly...not cool in the midst of a marathon. Once I got through it, I got my legs back. 

Miles 23-26 sucked. No surprise there, but that was where it really turned mental. That was where I really had to push myself when my legs were telling me to knock off the running crap and call it a day. Sorry, legs...mama had a point to prove -- to herself.

There will always be those who are (a lot) faster, but I'm pretty dang proud of myself. I trained diligently - and enjoyed it - and accomplished my goal time (well, my goal was four hours, so I'm just going to have to be okay with those pesky 44 seconds). 

My parents, the girls and I had a fun, albeit quick, Portland trip. We missed Daddy, but what can ya do. I got the special treatment and rode in style in the back o the 'ole mini while Papa drove. 

Yesterday, we got to the hotel, unpacked, and headed back out to pick up my race packet at the expo. We walked around by the water a bit, then met a fellow SC alum, Colleen, for a pasta dinner. It was fun to see her after quite a few years, meet most of her family and some friends, and get some last minute tips from a now-Boston qualifier!

(Austen got that stuffed kitty ^^^ from a boy at Alfy's pizza last week. He was playing the grabber-thing game and gave it to her. I like that. And she liked it too...was ecstatic.)

We then went back to the hotel for sleep--ha! Austen slept in a bed with me and coughed/kicked me in her sleep for the first few hours. I think I finally slept solidly from about 1:30-4:50. Oh well, she's a cute cougher/kicker. 
Poor Grammie slept in a chair because her new shoulder is still pretty painful, and the bed just hasn't been cutting it. 

K has been into "making books" lately. She's recently decided to copy one of her Amelia Bedelia books. She had packed all of her supplies and was thrilled when she saw the big "grown up desk" in our room. She went right to work.

My dad and I got up bright and early to head to the start line. He dropped me off and I made my way to corral D. It was freezing, but I'd much prefer that over too warm. 

The crowd had a moment of silence for Boston (the security at this race was very tight), sang the National Anthem and Sweet Caroline, and then we were off. 

It's so amazing -- feeling this comradery with so many other people doing the same thing, and there's so much support for others. I feel the same when I'm out running and exchange that little wave with fellow runners. Makes my heart swell. 

My cheering section met me at the finish line, and K could hardly wait to give me the "fruit cup" she had made special for my race. It even came with a coaster to hold under it. She was so proud. And apparently, she made everyone one of these for breakfast, too. So proud. 

After the race, we headed back to the hotel so I could shower (believe me, it was in everyone's best interest) then packed up the car to get lunch at Red Robin. I may have consumed two pieces of cheesecake on the way there. It was served last night at dinner and I just couldn't bring myself to eat it the night before a long race. It was torture, I tell you. Cheesecake is my kryptonite (did I use that right? Sounded cool...)

I got my celebratory beer and the girls were excited to be at good 'ole Red Robin. 

We drove to Multnomah Falls to do a little sight seeing, grabbed coffee, and headed on our way. Stopped for some road trip junk food and mini pumpkins (for preschool tomorrow), and here I sit, loungin' in the mini, writing this stream of conscousness post. 

^^ This is called, "Mommy wanted a cute picture and kid wasn't having it." We basically dragged them around for two days, so, fair enough.

Well, I did it how I knew I could. I'm happy, and now I'm going to give my legs a much deserved break. Gotta stay off the 20 milers for a bit.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Portland Marathon or Bust

Sunday is the big day. I'd say I've "officially" been training toward this next marathon for over 9 months. Very few weekends have seen less than 16 miles in the past long while. I've over-trained, which is not ideal, but I'm in this more for the training than for the end race, I've realized. I crave 20 mile runs on my weekends. I'm going to miss them. Just me, my headphones, and the trail.

I have a hard time getting out of bed on those mornings, but as soon as I'm about 3-4 miles in I remember why I do it. When I'm approaching mile 20 and I realize that I'm not mentally ready to stop, I remember why I do it. That Runner's High is like nothing else; I'm addicted.

I'm excited for Sunday's race. I'm ready -- physically and mentally. I've practiced mental strategies during my weekend runs to hopefully prevent what happened last time from creeping up on me again. I KNOW I can do this. I can run 22 miles and want to keep going...I can do this. I ran (jogged) while 8.5 months pregnant...I can do this. I've made it through unmedicated birth by choice...I can do this! (My mom was reminding me this morning how versatile natural labor strategies are, and that they'll be useful for marathon running. I think she's on to something.)

The girls and I are heading over tomorrow with my parents, and Jeff is traveling for work. He's been so incredibly supportive.

No matter how it all goes down on Sunday, I'll be happy for the experience.

Here we go!