Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Long Time, No Blog/Quotables

What we've been up to, in pictures...

Play dough (which was made in various, bright colors, only to be turned brown within minutes...)

Movie night debut of Brave. The girls were so excited to see it, and "Brave Girl" joined the cuddle puddle. They enjoyed it, overall, but Kaitlyn got upset during the part where the queen is turning into a bear. As she is about to transform, she looks like she's going to be sick. K didn't want anything to do with that, due to her puke phobia. ;) We got her through it, and enjoyed the rest of the movie!

"Helping" Daddy in the dressing room.

Playdate with the Hembrees. Audrey is finally big enough to join the big girls!
 Uncle Rob was in town for Christmas, and his gift to us was to paint our bathroom (he's a professional painter). I already had the paint, but not the motivation to follow through, so it worked out perfectly. We LOVE the transformation from Blech Peach to a pretty blue.

The girls got these adorable owl mugs from Great Aunt Debbie for Christmas, and Jeff was teaching them how to use them with sophistication... (notice the pinky)

The girls absolutely adore their Uncle Rob. They are obsessed, and he is so good with them.

Austy's first dentist appointment! She let him count her teeth, but was scared of the polisher. Next time. :)
This cracks me up. Her picture for the wall.

This was our sticker chart from way back when Kaitlyn wouldn't let us brush her teeth (then Aust). I'm documenting so I can throw away. ;)

KK outside on a sunny day, playing in the mud.

Sick girl. :( This was back in January.
"The Blob." Games only a daddy can come up with...

 "Aunt Kako" sent the girls a princess tent for Christmas. It's been a fun addition to the playroom. I put white lights up in it (I kept seeing that on others' Instagram pictures, and couldn't resist. I used to LOVE having lights up in my room when I was younger. Something about a string of lights at night...)

Watching the neighbor take down branches for us (he takes care of us).

Kaitlyn's play dough "Grandma Bonnie" (see, it does start out colorful)

Recovering from her fever.

K has been really into ballet. She loves Angelina Ballerina  on Netflix, and has actually picked up some good ballet moves. :) This is a common outfit for home:

K's birthday cake for Grandma Bonnie. Half got erased, but she says it got eaten.
And some Quotables:

Austen (and K used to do this, too), says "last year" for anything that happened previously. "But, we had rice for dinner last year!"

Me, to Kaitlyn in a car conversation about playing:
Me: "Oohh...I like pretending."
Austen: "I like chicken!!"

Austen: "Mama, come play with me."
Mama: "Okay, but I gotta go potty first."
Austen: "Okay, let's sing a song! A, b, c, d, e, f, geeeeeeeee.....Mama's gotta go potteeeeee!"

Right after coming in the door from a run, Kaitlyn says, "Mama's home! And she looks so healthy!"

At the zoo, a few days ago, looking at the gorillas:

Me: "Do you girls see how gorillas have hands almost like ours? That makes it so they can do things that humans do."
K: "Mama? You know what else is true about gorillas? They have nipples, just like humans do."
Yes, it was said quite loudly.

And with that, I re-committ to keeping better track of these, because I know I've forgotten some good ones!

I'm obviously playing catch-up, as usual, so next up: Kaitlyn's preschool, swimming, and new crochet adventures.