These are stories and quotes from the girls that I just know I'll forget if I don't publish them somewhere...
Kaitlyn is really into letters these days. Letter sounds, what they look like, and what they spell. She likes to put her arms, legs, and fingers into configurations and ask us, "What is this?" She wants us to guess the letter she's making. She also does this with objects. As her biased parents, we think that this is pretty dang genius.
Austen has got the pouting thing down. If she is upset about something, she raises her arms all the way above her head before dramatically crossing them and plopping them onto her chest. Oh, and her glare...
Kaitlyn continues to be hit or miss with bedtime. Many nights, she tells us at first that she "can't fall asleep" or isn't tired. Sometimes, nothing comes of it, and other times we are in for a longer bedtime. The other night, she was having a particular hard time and had herself worked up, so I told her to close her eyes and started running my fingers through her hair and brushing her forhead with my hand. She started relaxing and breathing more deeply. After a few minutes I had declared victory in my head. It went something like this, "I can't believe it worked! Well, I kinda can; I mean, I'm her mama and I'm soothing to her, so of course she fell asleep. She's definitely asleep now; she's breathing like she's asleep." And right as I was thinking that I would go crawl into bed myself, I hear (with her eyes still closed, but a 'what the heck are you doing' scrunch of the eyebrows"), "Mama, why are you rubbing my head?" Here I had been thinking I was having this great mommy moment.
Every time Austen sits down to go potty, she stares ahead as she waits, and you can tell when she starts going because she gets this huge grin on her face and looks up at you and giggles. Every.single.time.
Kaitlyn says "girl" like "goil." So, Austen does, too.
We were putting both of the girls in their carseats and Kaitlyn sighs and says, "My daddy is the best."
We went to Chelan this weekend and stayed in a motel. Any time Kaitlyn referred to it, it was the "show and tell." No matter how many times we replied with motel, it was, "When are we going back to the show and tell?" "Do we get to stay at the show and tell again tonight?"
In addition to her "I'm doin' it" grin, every time Austen gets ready to go potty, she announces, all excited, "I'm wearin' underwear!"
One of Kaitlyn's garage sale finds the other weekend was
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. We pulled up to Walgreens the other day and she says, "This house is made of bricks!"
We were in Chelan this past weekend and it was pretty much perfect. I'll post a little later, but here's a taste: