Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'm editing this to add Austen's latest stats. She had her four month check up yesterday (a little over a week late).

Weight: 16 lbs. 1 oz. (90th%)
Length: 25.5 in. (85th%)
Head: 42.5 cm (83rd%)

As the pediatrician said, she's very proportionate...for a 6 month old. ;-) She is doing excellent as far as health and development. Her latest milestone is rolling from her back to her tummy. She has become an old pro in the last couple of weeks. I also put her in her jumperoo for the first time today. No jumping yet, but she liked it!

Stay tuned for Lake Chelan pictures!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Water Fun!

We went to a play date this morning and they had this "squirty mat." Do you think Kaitlyn liked it? ;-)

We are staying very busy and enjoying the nice weather. :) We hang out in the back yard a lot of evenings, go for runs and walks on the trail, etc.

Austen update: I weighed her last week, and she weighs...wait for it...15 pounds!! She's not even 4 months ;) (She will be on Friday.) She's definitely our chunky girl! But we wouldn't trade those thunder thighs for anything. :) She just started reaching for and grabbing toys this week. It's so fun to actually watch her turn into a little "human."

Kaitlyn: She continues to be our little sponge, and says new words and phrases every day. We often look at each other and say, "Did she really just say that?" Right now one of her favorites is "There it is!" when she finds something. :) She also hears Mama say "Oh, thank you!" when she hands me something, so now she says, "Oh, Teetoo!" in a little high pitched voice. Cracks me up. :)

I think I mentioned before that I joined a mommy group, so we have been going to a lot of play dates. It's fun for Kaitlyn to meet and play with other kids, and it's fun for me to meet other moms in the area. And, it gives us something to do in the mornings!

Now the pictures :)
Kaitlyn and some of her little friends:

Grandpa Roger's birthday was on the 10th, so they had a get together at their house. Kaitlyn had a blast in the back yard with the neighbor kids:
Out at dinner, stylin' :)

Kara has Mondays off, so we get together sometimes on her days off. Kaitlyn and Paige were a little tuckered out:
Our little scholars:

At Sliver Lake Park down by the water:
Does this need an explanation???

Bouncy house play date - Kaitlyn loved it!!

This is blurry, but you get the idea. :)

Austen hanging out in her "Bumbo" chair:
The girls. Austen looks almost as big as (or bigger) than her big sister!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

Reading with Dada:
Kara and Travis just moved into a new house, so of course we had to invite ourselves over. :-)
Kaitlyn talking to two of their three dogs:

Kaitlyn and Paige are about 3 months apart. It's so fun to watch them together.
Snack time!

The girls exploring the back yard:

Jeff and I went to the Space Needle yesterday to celebrate our 4th Anniversary. Thanks to my bro Rob, we had a gift card to use for brunch, hence the venue choice. :-) We walked around for a bit afterward, and of course I'm a huge dork and had to go touch the fountain. Such a dare devil!

Kaitlyn found my Halloween wig. We couldn't resist the picture, of course. Raggedy Ann is my annual teacher costume :-)

Kaitlyn with her first whole apple. She started out great, then gagged on too big of a piece, so we'll wait a bit longer for her next one. :-)

I had the idea (well, stole the idea) of putting half of Kaitlyn's toys away since there are so many, and it would make them seem "new" to her after a bit. I put them in the chest in her room while she wasn't looking because she had no idea that it even opened. It worked great for about a month, but this is how I found her the other day. Time for Plan B!

Sweet, smiley girl :-)
Gina is a close friend from college (Central), and her little girl, Brinnley, turned one last Monday. We got to go to her "Beach Party" last weekend. It was a great party!
Kaitlyn was a little tuckered out afterwards:

Austen and Campbell (friend Erin's little girl) snoozin' at the party:

Brinnley tellin' Mama all about her new toy:

They had a pool with beach sand in it for the kids to play in. So cute!

Kaitlyn concentrating on building: