Here are some updated pictures. I don't have one of Gina's and my graduation, but I'll post one soon. We finished our masters classes in mid-August, and I could not be happier!! It is so nice not having that or Pro-Cert ("Professional Certification" - required by the state to maintain a teaching certificate) hanging over my head this year. This will be the first teaching year without both. I am now taking a year long class in Integrated Thematic Instruction. Why, you ask? I am starting to ask myself the same question...perhaps I should have taken a bit of a break, but oh well. We are getting so much closer to Kaitlyn making her appearance. I am now 33 weeks pregnant, which means that I only have 4 more weeks to go until I am considered full term (37 weeks). Our due date is at 40 weeks, but any time 2 weeks before or after is considered "normal." I know that I'm not the only pregnant lady who has hoped this (and probably won't get my way), but I wouldn't mind if she came a bit early! My last day of work is scheduled for October 29th (due date is October 30th), and I am determined to work as long as I can in order to have as much time as possible with Kaitlyn after she's here. I will be taking about 3 and a 1/2 months off. Jeff will take a week off when she's born. I'm sure that it will be exhausting, etc., but we are incredibly excited. :) I had my first baby shower last weekend, thrown by Meagan and Carolyn. It was such a great get together; they really put a lot into it. We feel SO spoiled! It was so nice to spend a few hours with friends, and everyone was so generous. We can't wait to put Kaitlyn in all of the cute little outfits (which will promptly get messy, I'm sure). Okay, here are some random pictures. I still need to get some from my mom's camera of this summer, and Gina has a good graduation one...
A little outing to Deception Pass the day before school started. Hiking up those hills is a little different when you're 7 and a 1/2 months pregnant...and I've even been exercising. Oh, and this picture is a lesson in not wearing a hooded sweatshirt with a big belly. Not flattering.
A good view.
Mom's birthday dinner at the Keg. Jeff and Rob thought they could beat me in a belly contest after a big meal. Ha!
31 weeks - duh.